Christian Stamm

Born and living in Germany - Dormagen
Christian Stamm

Dear Visitor,
I'm glad you made it to my website. Here you can find some information about me. My name is Christian Stamm and I'm 29 years old. I'm graduated with a diploma in games programming by the SAE Institute in Cologne. In this study I've learned to program in C# and got used to the Unity Engine. I've also learned things about AI-Behaviour and programming these ones. Furthermore I was able to create an WPF-Application, and how to save datas. The programming language C++ was also part of my study, I had to create an own engine with DX9 and DX11. In this task I learned to write Shaders in HLSL and earned lot of information about Render Pipelines. In my Bachelor study, I've also achieved basic knowledge in Database handling, especially with MYSQL.
I'd appreciate it if you take a look at my LinkedIn profile, you will be directed there if you click on the LinkedIn Icon next to my picture or at the bottom of this site.

Past works

Some examples of my Past Works

Video Section

"The Horde" - Own SDL Engine

"HiddenChick" - Bachelor degree project

"Cursed Pirates" - Final Diploma project

"Graphics Engine" - Own DX11 Engine

Screenshot Section

The "Character Editor" - WPF Application. Used to design Characters.

The "SAE-Chat" - Console Application Possible to connect and chat via internet.

"MoonLander" - Focus in this project was correct physical calculations of gravity, own collider library etc.

"MoonLander" - Win after landing the spaceship without crashing.

Code Snippets

Small codesnippet of the SDL Engine enemy.

HiddenChick - Loading Inventory

HiddenChick - Saving Resources

Small codesnippet of the EnemySpawner of the Cursed Pirates Project.

GraphicsEngine Material

GraphicsEngine Camera

"MoonLander" - Matrix and operator overloading for Vectors calculation.

Curriculum Vitae

